First appeared: 1974
Years in existence: 1
These 1.25" diameter plain blue buttons are featured by
a simple three word slogan imploring PSU to "BLANK" THE "BLANKS".
The source of these buttons is believed to be the Student Book Store.
First appeared: 1975
Years in existence: 2
These 1.5" diameter solid blue buttons with white lettering are from
1975 and 1976. It is not known if bowl buttons were produced for this series as I
have not found one nor do I know of any collecters who have one so they may not exist.
The source of these buttons is believed to be the Student Book Store,
making it 7 straight years they have produced a season set!
First appeared: 1981
Years in existence: 1
Whenever I find two buttons with the same color scheme and font style
I assume they are part of a season set and the search is on for the missing pieces!
Such is the case with these 1.5" diameter plain white buttons with blue colored text.
These buttons are from the 1981 season because that's the only year
we played both USC and North Carolina State in the same season.
These could also be a continuation of the Student Book Store button series from 1970-1976
but then that might mean there are season sets from 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1980 that haven't
been discovered yet.....the hunt never ends!
First reappeared: 1993
Years in existence: 1
Looks like a reappearance of the Student Bookstore buttons from 1970-1973!
The 3 teams noted on the buttons, Minnesota, USC amd Rutgers, were all
opponents of the Nittany Lions during the 1993 season.
My guess is that this was a one shot deal to celebrate Penn State's first
season in the Big 10 rather than a continuation of season sets from 1973.
Like I said, the hunt never ends!
First appeared: 1978
Years in existence: 1
In 1978, the first known set of buttons by The Rah Rah Company sported the
opposing teams' color schemes and the same type of corny slogans as the bank.
Just like the first year bank buttons, these were produced for home games only.
The packaged set was available downtown at the Student Book Store.
First appeared: 1979
Years in existence: 1
In 1979 Rah Rah produced two seperate sets.
The first set featured buttons with no slogans but rather
displayed the name of the opponent and the date of the game.
The color scheme was a dark blue background with gray text or
a randomly interspersed gray background with dark blue text.
Both 1979 sets were boxed in a collectible cylindrical cardboard box
and sold downtown at the Student Book Store.
First appeared: 1979
Years in existence: 1
The second Rah Rah set of 1979 saw a return to the opponent's
color scheme and, of course, the same corny slogans!
Both 1979 sets were boxed in a collectible cylindrical cardboard box
and sold downtown at the Student Book Store.
First appeared: 1980
Years in existence: 1
In 1980, blue and white color schemes were randomly reversed
within this set and if you didn't understand the slogan,
the opponents' name was spelled out on the edge of the button!
It is not known if a bowl button was produced for this set.
The source of these buttons is also unknown.
First appeared: 1980
Years in existence: 13
This large cartoon style button was produced by Adlanco Buttons
from Fleming, PA and many like it were on the scene from 1980 through 1992.
Apparently, Adlanco made individual bowl game buttons for travel agencies
in the early 1980's and then started annual gameday sets in 1982.
1980 and 1981
These two Adlanco buttons were for bowl games following the 1980 and 1981 regular seasons.
As I do not have any regular season Adlanco buttons from those seasons, I am unsure whether
they existed or what style they were. To further reinforce that regular season buttons
may not have been produced, the back of the 1980 button indicates that the button was made
for "Penn State Football Tours" so it may have very well been a one-shot deal for a tour group
that went to the game. The same may be true for the 1981 button, however, there is no
tour group logo on the back side to reinforce this.
These Adlancos from the 1982 season indicate that all regular season games were made in the same style,
however, the bowl button shows a stark contrast to the regular season buttons. This bowl button
is marked "Collegiate Athletic Tours" on the back so it was probably a seperate deal from the regular
season buttons. Regardless, considering that this was a trip to a National Championship game,
do you think they could have come up with a jazzier looking bowl button!...Ugh!
My collection of 1983 Adlancos is limited to the opening game and the season ending bowl game.
The Nebraska button seems more like a commemorative button honoring the 1st annual Kickoff Classic
and highlighting the fact that we were defending National Champs than a normal gameday button
with a corny slogan. Also, it seems like this bowl button would have fit better with
1982's regular season buttons.
The Adlancos from the 1984 season indicate that anything goes with button style!
We have caricature lions with banners facing left, caricature lions with banners
facing right, caricature lions with megaphone facing right, some buttons with white
background, some with an off-white, almost gray background, etc, etc, etc....
No telling what the rest of the 1984 Adlancos might look like!
In 1985 we again have caricature lions with banners facing left, caricature lions with banners
facing right, caricature lions with megaphone facing right, some buttons with white background,
some with an off-white, almost gray background, etc, etc, etc....
The bowl button, although made by Adlanco, just doesn't seemto fit with the set.
Perhaps it was made for a tour group.
Considering that PSU won the National Championship in 1986, the Adlanco buttons that forecast the
outcomes of the games were ANYTHING BUT ferocious as they featured a playful Nittany Cub carrying
a flag with a ficticious score (all while posing in at least four different playful positions).
The bowl button, while much more colorful than the regular season buttons at least appears
to fit with respect to the text font and layout.
FINALLY there is uniformity in the Adlanco buttons!
In 1987, the buttons featured the same playful Nittany Cub carrying a flag
with a ficticious score while swinging from the goal post.
For the second straight year, the Adlanco buttons featured the playful Nittany Cub
in the one same pose as was depicted on last year's buttons....now I'm bored!
Same thing, only different? In 1989, the Adlanco buttons apparantly used only one style button
for the entire season, but this year it was a grown up lion facing right and holding a flag
with a ficticious score in his right paw.
Now the lion is holding the flag in his left hand and has a packed suitcase in his right hand!
Could this be an implication of Penn State's committment to join the Big 10 in the near future?
It also looks like we're back to unmatched bowl buttons!
Same lion, same packed suitcase, same flag!
Same style regular season buttons two ywars in a row!
Same button style 3 years in a row, a new record!
First appeared: 1980
Years in existence: 1
The first bank to copy CCB and jump onto the football button
bandwagon was The Russell National Bank who boldly claimed:
One thing was for certain -- the button was BIGGER!
First appeared: 1981
Years in existence: 1
In 1981, The Collegian Badge Company (an affiliate of Rah Rah) produced
buttons that conveyed the slogan through text and cloud-like shadowing effects.
They also issued two larger buttons that celebrate tailgating and weekends.
First appeared: 1982
Years in existence: 1
Gone from The Rah Rah Company's 1982 set were the bright
color schemes and the occasional graphics....but not the brilliant slogans!
First appeared: 1983
Years in existence: 3
In 1983 the colorful buttons made a comeback with Rah Rah and ran for 3 years.
This time there were no slogans but the "red crossout" said it all.
First appeared: 1983
Years in existence: 1
In 1983, the prescription to counter PSU football
button fever was a series of buttons from Thrift Drug!
First appeared: 1983
Years in existence: 4
Some people actually gave their blood for PSU football buttons!
These buttons from Sera Tec clotted up the scene from 1983 through 1986.
First appeared: 1986
Years in existence: 1
In 1986, the ever changing style of Rah Rah buttons
stepped back to a basic blue background with white text.
First appeared: 1987
Years in existence: 1
In 1987, there were two different sets issued by Rah Rah.
The first set of 1987 was a reprise of the 1982-1985 red crossout sets
but the red striping was not as wide and it was not outlined
with a black border like it's previous counterpart.
First appeared: 1987
Years in existence: 1
The second set from 1987 was back to a basic blue button with
white text slogans and mixed in with an occasional visual illustration.
First appeared: 1989
Years in existence: 5
A joint venture that made a "sound investment" in the button market....
Radio station partner WCHA-800AM provided the sound and Trust
provided the investment for this five year series between 1989 and 1993.
(I know....don't give up my day job, right?)
First appeared: 1990
Years in existence: 5
The Roy Rogers restaurants galloped onto the football button
scene with the issuance of these small, 1.5" diameter buttons.
This buttons came into Dodge City in 1990 and they rode off into
the sunset in 1994, although additional years on either side
of that window may exist.